Limits to digitalization: Exploring the transition challenges of Norwegian data centers

Energy transition hopes hinge on digitalization's ability to dematerialize. However, the digital is material. The cloud is a metaphor, made up of tangible infrastructure and data centers that rely on human and environmental inputs. Their overlooked footprints, massive and rising, jeopardize sustainability. Looking past cloud metaphors, we address data center footprints and conflicts. With unparalleled access to a secretive industry and broad participation from policy actors with conflicting digital agendas, L2D builds knowledge on the role of digitalization in Norway's energy transition.

Research Council of Norway award 344115, 2023-2027
Research partners and contact points:
NTNU Social Research: Mads Dahl Gjefsen (PI), Lucia Liste, Berit Nilsen, Torgeir Haavik
NTNU Department of Social Anthropology: Jens Røyrvik
Boston University Institute for Global Sustainability: Benjamin Sovacool, Ayse Coskun, Can Hankendi
Reference group:
Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development
Norwegian Communications Authority
Invest in Norway
Norwegian Data Center Industry
Løten municipality
Hadsel municipality
Hamar municipality Skien municipality
Vennesla municipality
Vågå municipality
Advisory board:
Dr. Julia Velkova, Linköping University
Dr. Kris Kok, VU Amsterdam
Dr. Marius Korsnes, NTNU
Dr. Knut Jørgen Vie, University of Oslo
The energy transition tends to foreground the efficiency of energy-intensive industries over energy sufficiency. Limits to digitalization (L2D) will address this paradox by studying digital infrastructures (e.g., data centers) to explore the socio-environmental implications of digitalization. L2D will develop a conceptual framework for digital infrastructure sufficiency, thus contributing to the challenges outlined in the portfolio plan through addressing knowledge gaps around energy and material consumption and local impacts of data center establishments, seen against the beneficial prospects of digitalization through improved efficiency, de-materialization, and value-creation. Fundamentally, L2D asks whether these tensions imply a need for "limits" to digitalization, and what such limits might look like.
L2D explores Twin Transition challenges through the lens of Norwegian data centers. We consider energy transitions' impacts on society, climate, and nature, through the on-going attempt by Norway to become a global hub for digital infrastructure, justified by reference to digitalization's environmental, climate, and societal benefits. Norwegian decision makers at all levels struggle to make sense of and govern the trade-offs around data center establishments. Through a novel partnership with Norwegian municipalities, national policy makers, and industry, L2D conducts local case studies, studies national governance in a cross-national comparative perspective, and helps shape the emerging frameworks around this nascent industry. The project's unprecedented access to and collaboration with the notoriously secretive data center industry aims to hold Norwegian industry partners accountable to the highest international standards, and enable leading scientific partners to develop knowledge and tools for improved decision-making and transparency around energy and data center governance.

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NYHETER 2024 Avspark for forskningsprosjekt om datasentre
I forrige uke møttes samarbeidspartnerne og øvrige bidragsytere i Limits to Digitalization (L2D) for avsparksseminar for prosjektet. I løpet av de neste fire årene skal forskerne i prosjektet studere datasentre som fenomen i lys av global bærekraft, norsk omstillingspolitikk og implikasjoner for norske lokalsamfunn.
NYHETER 2023 Får 12 millioner av Forskningsrådet for å forske på datalagringsindustrien i samarbeid med seks kommuner
NTNU Samfunnsforsknings Mads Dahl Gjefsen er prosjektleder for «Limits to digitalization: Exploring the transition challenges of Norwegian data centers». Nå har han og kolleger fått 12 millioner kroner av Norsk forskningsråd for å undersøke utviklingen av Norges nye datalagringsindustri med kommunene Vennesla, Skien, Vågå, Hamar, Løten og Hadsel med på laget.
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Project results
All project results are made accessible according to open access principles via the project site at the Current Research Information System in Norway (CRISTIN)
Grant overview
For information on the project funding see the Project Bank website hosted by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) (award number 344115)
For questions or more information contact Mads Dahl Gjefsen, NTNU Social Reserach (PI):